Mirus Magazine, una revista online donde hablan sobre los micro entornos urbanos de diferentes ciudades. En sus propias palabras:

Mirus is a unique digital quarterly magazine that strives to have the feel and quality of a printed edition. Once a year, the most compelling stories will be compiled in a limited edition book.
 Whether it being an unknown, but striking „quartier“ in Marseille; an evolving „barrio“ in Buenos Aires or an up and coming district in Barcelona. We will set foot on new terrain, be daring, photograph, ask, write, dig and report back. Each issue is dedicated to a single ‘environment’, whereas we will focus on the new, the unpredictable and always authentic. Urban- and suburban developments and the shifts of people’s behaviour and how it influences their surroundings are of great interest to us. Mirus is in many ways a local magazine with a global approach and we tend to pick out the non conform ideas and at the same time don’t forget about the history of that environment and how it has influenced future generations.

Para el primer número elijieron el barrio de Poble Nou, y entre otros visitaron también a Palo Alto, Folch Studio, o los chicos de nyam nyam.
Cuando pasaron por casa, hace ya unos meses, El Bosque Dormido, ni siquiera tenía nombre… estaba apenas arrancando!

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